Hi there!

We are excited to hear that you want to enroll for Sea-Men Cup II! The tournament will be held on Saturday, August 30st at 11h00. Doors will open at 10h00 and the event will finish around 20h00. We will play 6 rounds of Swiss. The Sea-Men Cup follows the Swedish Old School rules and Ban & Restriction list, with a very loose reprint policy: all cards with the same name & same frame are allowed, including foreign and IE/CE (no foils, 30th Anniversary Edition or WCD)

What makes our tournament special?

For the registration fee of only €50,- you will receive an all-inclusive day of Magic, including:

  1. Sea-Men Cup registration
  2. Lunch
  3. Dinner
  4. And yes, you did catch that correct: all-inclusive drinks!

If you want to Enroll please use the following link:

Enroll and Register