What is the Sea-Men Club? We’re all about Magic the Gathering! We’re a group of friends who’ve been geeking out over Magic in IJzendijke (Zeeland, Netherlands) since way back in 1995. Started collecting cards in school, then hitting up card shops in Belgium for the latest boosters. We’d duel for hours, strategizing like crazy.

Over the years, the cards got more valuable, and some of us even thought about calling it quits. But in the end, the love for the game and each other kept us going – nobody walked away.

Then, around 2011, we discovered Commander, a brand new format back then. It was a breath of fresh air for the club with its unique rules and focus on legendary creatures as commanders. We loved the creativity and variety it brought, but there was a downside: so many mechanics and triggers that a single upkeep could take forever – like 10 to 15 minutes!

In 2024, after a card tournament organized by one of the friends in Tilburg, we decided to return to basics: Old School Magic ’93/94. This brought us back to the feeling of 1995 with vintage cards and rules from the early days, we relive the pure magic of the game. The laughs and company of friends are more important than who wins. Old rivalries are revived, and new strategies are devised, hell we’ve taken our Magic skills on the road, battling it out in tournaments all over the Netherlands and meeting new people/friends and we prove that friendship and passion for a game are timeless.


Clint started playing MTG in 1995. This chef with an aggressive playstyle loves throwing down big creatures. A true green player at heart, he thrives on ramping up his mana quickly to get those hefty monsters onto the battlefield. His love for ramp recently took a savage turn when he discovered Eureka, a card that lets him cheat out even bigger threats even faster.


Johnny started playing Magic in 1998. His first deck was a Knight tribal deck, but he quickly fell in love with Zombies. Nowadays, he plays a lot of White and Green trying to get out of his comfort zone. He’s a big fan of graveyard-based strategies, and he loves to reanimate his fallen creatures, bringing them back from the dead to fight again. This passion for the undead is what makes him a true zombie master.


Rudy, known for his outspoken play style, started his Magic: The Gathering journey in 1996 with a Red White Knight deck. However, the dark side’s allure proved too strong after a few months. Drawn to the power of Dark Rituals and Black Knight, he embraced the classic black playstyle. But red’s fire never quite faded for Rudy, making him a true classic black red player.